The local town of Kafanchan has a population of ~ 90,000 people. The larger local host communities are Dangoma, Bakin Kogi and Nindem lying approximately 16 km southeast of Kafanchan. There are some mid-size communities such as Ambam and Agban as well as smaller hamlets, particularly in the south areas of the tenement.

Following continuing discussions with the Companies, the Community has considered its desires for improvement in the Community and worked with the Companies to prepare a draft of co-operation terms as a first step towards a sustainable community development strategy that will serve the Community. The document formed the basis for continuing discussions and cooperation between the Community, the Companies and Federal, State and Local Governments (towards planning and delivery of a community development strategy that will provide a sustained improvement in the quality of life of members of the Community.

The Companies and the Community in response to these mutual interests decided to enter into a Community Development Agreement as a firm undertaking to work together to provide a sustained improvement in the quality of life of members of the Community.

The purpose of our Community Development Agreement with our Host Communities is to set down, in good faith, the intention of the Parties to work together in the formulation and implementation of a program to deliver sustained community development and various other benefits to our Host Communities during the life of the Jupiter Project.

The Companies and the Communities will work together to provide a sustained improvement in the quality of life of members of the Community.