Community Development Agreements

A Community Development Agreement is required for ensuring the transfer of economic and social benefit to the host community. The Federal Government provides guidelines to assist all parties in reaching appropriate terms. The document titled, “Guidelines for the Production of Community Development Agreement in the Solid Mineral Sector”, is issued by the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development.

Our Companies have been in close discussions with the host communities to develop a community vision that can guide discussions towards the elements of a Community Development Agreement. Community Development Agreements have been concluded with several host communities. Specific projects are considered by the joint committees monitoring project implementation. We are working with the local communities on initiatives related to education and training, sustainable community development and improvements in local infrastructure. Education and a reliable potable water supply are foremost among the communities’ needs.

Throughout exploration and the early stages of mining the local community is being supported directly by hiring labour from local villages. This is helping to building a firm, positive relationship between the Companies and the community. Our Companies have undertaken a range of discussions with local communities to ascertain the needs of the communities and to identify which of those needs the Companies may be able to support. As a result potable water, schools, scholarships and electrification have been delivered to various host communities.

We have a strong commitment to the communities which host our tenements.

Surface Rent Agreements

The Companies and the Community in response to their mutual interests enter into Surface Rent Agreements as a firm undertaking to work together to promote peace and harmony between the Companies and the Community. In these agreements, the Companies covenant to pay Surface Rent to the benefit of the landholders of the Host Community in accordance with section 100 (1) of the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act, 2007.